Sooma Depression Therapy
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  • Sooma Depression Therapy

  • Sooma Depression Therapy

Sooma Depression Therapy is a non-invasive brain stimulation therapy

Sooma Depression Therapy uses non-invasive brain stimulation to modulate the function of prefrontal areas of the brain. A portable medical device delivers electrical current to the brain for 30-minutes at a time. The aim is to normalise the hypoactivity of the left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC). After repeating the stimulation once a day for three weeks, symptoms are relieved for the majority of patients3. Sooma Depression Therapy is not associated with serious or systemic side effects. The treatment is painless and safe to self-administer by the patient.

Fast, safe and effective
Sooma Depression Therapy is very well tolerated and has no serious side effects. 84% of patients successfully complete the treatment period, even if they have to visit the clinic for each stimulation3. A safety review, based on over 40,000 stimulation sessions, concluded that tDCS technology is safe, even used in treatment of adolescent or elderly patients2. Typical mild side effects include itching under the electrodes during the stimulation and transient headache after stimulation. The FDA has concluded that tDCS treatment is without a reasonable expectation of serious adverse events2, a position also endorsed by NICE4.
Majority of the patients undergoing Sooma Depression Therapy have shown significant alleviation of the symptoms after two weeks of treatment3. The European evidence-based guideline concluded with a level B recommendation (probable efficacy)5 and the National Institute of Care Excellence has issued a guidance on the use of tDCS4.

tDCS treatment can be safely chosen as a first treatment option for depression or it can be added-on to any ongoing therapies. There are no chemical agents involved, so there’s no risk of dangerous drug interactions. It is also safe to breastfeed when undergoing the tDCS treatment. After the initial treatment period, most patients continue with some form of maintenance treatment to prevent the relapse of depression.

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